While many people assume root canal therapy is an uncomfortable and difficult treatment to complete, it’s actually not much different than receiving a dental filling. This common misconception leads people to believe root canals cause more harm than benefit.
Root canals remove the infection, seal the inside of the tooth, which keeps the natural tooth in the jaw. This helps you maintain a sense of pressure, maintains taste, and keeps what you were born with inside.
The materials used at Cumberland Trails Family Dental are biocompatible- which means that the seal is gentle to the natural tissues and works in conjunction with the healing processes of the body.
The reality is not getting treatment when you need it only allows your dental discomfort to get worse. At Cumberland Trails Family Dental, we’re happy to end the myth that root canal therapy from our Tyler, TX dentist is scary or intimidating. Give our dental office a call and we’ll show you why!
Schedule Your AppointmentOnly a dentist can tell you if a root canal is necessary to treat your dental pain. However, there are a few telltale signs you should keep in mind. For example, it’s important to keep certain symptoms in mind.
Severe dental discomfort that comes and goes
Discoloration of teeth
Chronic bad breath
High fever
Facial swelling
Pockets of pus forming on the gum tissue
Increased sensitivity to hot and cold stimuli